Fostering Networks. Forging Alliances. Creating Initiatives.
These all help us to nurture a supportive community, encourage new ways of learning and promote positive futures for young people who face barriers to employment. We act as a linchpin in the Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley region and use our relationships, both long-standing and new, to provide young people with the best career pathways and support possible.
As a strategic partnership broker, we connect:
• Schools
• Businesses and industries
• Government
• Higher education and training
• Community organisations
• Local people
Learn more about partnership or sponsorship opportunities.
Fostering Networks
The networks we’ve established and actively participate in are essential in unlocking opportunities for students as they progress through school towards further education/employment.
School Networks
Beyond being in charge of school programs and providing assistance to career's staff, we facilitate local VCAL and the VET/Pathways Network who meet every term to:
• share resources
• keep informed about local issues
• discuss career pathway planning
• hear from representatives in education & training organisations
• contextualise new policies and initiatives
VicLLENs Network
Being one of 31 LLENs across Victoria gives us unprecedented access to a large pool of resources and shared knowledge. Using our statewide network of partners we work to streamline quality career pathways for young people and scale up new initiatives.
“ LLENs commenced because of the need to have focused and organised networks, programs and advocacy for young people. They were set around local governments because it was the level of engagement that was more direct, based on community and focused on accountability and delivery that rings true and hits the mark. They were an important initiative back then and - given the current scenarios for young people - are even more important now.”
Forging Alliances
Mmvllen has been able to form many key connections across education, community, business and industry; allowing us to develop a network of partners far more effective than its individual parts.
Through collaborating with local industry, we bridge the gap between schools and employers, filtering students into their desired career pathways. Over the last two decades, we've nurtured strong bonds with local businesses as well as both cultural and community organisations. This council-wide effort serves to address shortages in the workforce and connect employers with young workers, supercharging their businesses with fresh talent.
Our close partnerships with the Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley city councils as well as our working relationships with Commonwealth and State Government departments have been vital in building initiatives, advocating for young people and informing policies and decision making. We have a strong focus on helping young people with employment barriers caused by disadvantage, discrimination and the effects of low socio-economic backgrounds. For example, in 2020 we were a member of the Steering Advisory Group for the Flemington Education Plan; a government initiative which resulted in over $30 million in school infrastructure grants, and the development and activation of a 10 year strategy to improve student engagement and wellbeing. Together with key local stakeholders, we helped to identify the needs of the Flemington community and ensure that every child and young person could experience high-quality seamless education.
Creating Initiatives
Our collaborative efforts throughout the community have led to the formation of initiatives that increase the career possibilities and success of young people. In collaboration with schools and education specialists, we've developed initiatives that focus on innovative ways of learning to better prepare students for the future workforce.
Youth Employment Pathways Program
In 2020, we partnered with Maribyrnong City Council piloting the Maribyrnong Youth Employment Pathways Program (YEPP) to combat COVID-19’s effects on the economy as well as its impact on young people’s ability to access the labour market. The YEPP program offers practical activities that prepare youths for the workplace; facilitating work-related experiences that increase the likelihood of employment.
An external evaluation was conducted on the pilot at the end of 2021 which demonstrated an effective place-based response to the significant needs facing young people in the City of Maribyrnong. YEPP participants shared:
“Super practical advice which I will be able to implement right away”.
“I feel more confident about searching for work and feel better prepared.”
“I now have a strategy on how to approach interviews”
“The information was really informative when it comes to creating your own business and the steps that are involved”
Recognition Awards
The Mitchell Celantano Trade Award
Created in 2021, the Mitchell Celantano Trade Award honours the memory of local student, Mitch, after his sudden passing in 2021. Mitch was an outstanding VCAL trade student from Essendon Keilor College who demonstrated great work ethic and gained an apprenticeship from his trade placement. Together, we would like to celebrate him by recognising other students with similar attributes rewarding them with $500 towards their vocational career pathway.
View the past award winners or nominate a student here.
We’d like to acknowledge the award supporters and sponsors for making this award possible, including the Celantano family, Essendon Keilor College and Nelson Alexander Essendon.
2021 award winner with sponsor Nelson Alexander Essendon
The Sue Fowler Award
Established in 2021, the Sue Fowler Award honours the inaugural CEO of mmvllen from 2001 to 2015 who sadly passed soon after retiring. She established the organisation and it's identity as a caring, supportive and empowering force for local young people, especially those with barriers to education, training and employment.
This award recognises those delivering upon the mmvllen vision of "young people that are confident, capable and on their way to success in work and life", with the winner receiving $500 towards a program, project or professional developed linked to our vision.
2021 inaugural winner Braybrook College
Problems That Matter
Established in 2019, we developed the Problems That Matter initiative to arm students with the ability and agency to solve problems whilst developing skills required for the future world of work such as communication, team work, creativity and enterprise.
“This type of program allows students to shine - practicing a range of skills that they don’t always get a chance to show in a classroom - qualities such as team skills, optimism, persistence and adaptability.”
Youth Friendly Employer Project
We developed the Youth Friendly Employer Project (YFEP) in partnership with VicHealth, and co-designed by young Victorians, to improve employment, financial and well-being outcomes for young Australians. Through our support and consultation, we help organisations more effectively attract, develop, retain, and leverage a new workforce moving further into the future.
Using our Youth Friendly Assessment Tools, Employer Toolkit and strategic framework, we analyse the current practice and support the organisation to earn a ‘Youth Friendly Certification’, setting them up for long-term success. Recent examples include local government and a large Not for Profit organisation.
We work closely with partner organisations and promote their progress to the public and stakeholders in the form of the YFE Certification, which can be attached to job advertisements to attract top-tier youth talent, as well as assist with other attraction, development, training, and retention strategies.
We offer an affordable fee-for-service model. If your workplace is interested, contact us or learn more below