Young people said
“I would recommend the program to any young people wanting to get their foot in the door, build on networks and experiences, and build confidence”
“I definitely feel like I’ve grown as a person and I feel more confidence in myself and the direction that I’m going.”
“I am very grateful to have a mentor who I can look up too, she’s like a role model and someone who inspires me.”
“When I first started the program, I was struggling to land interviews. Now I have a job and am doing a clerkship in relation to my degree - all because of my mentor and the help she has given me. ”
“The work placement gave me valuable skills and experience as it was my first time in a workplace. It gives you a head start from other graduates who are just finishing degrees. And industry experience, puts you ahead of class.”
The results show
100% of young people felt that they now had a good understanding about the industry they would like to work in.
70% of young people moved into employment during or once they had completed the YMCP program.
100% of young people felt better prepared for the job market and more confident finding work.
94% of young people agreed that their participation had positively contributed to their overall health and wellbeing.
Source: YMCP Program Evaluation (2018 - 2020)
Get involved
We have paused our expression of interest process for the Youth Mentoring Career Pathways program. In the meantime, if you live in the inner west and are looking for support to understand your training, education or employment options, we encourage you to speak to the team at the VU Skills and Jobs Centre. You can reach them at or on 03 9919 9988.
If you want to support your students with an in-school program, get in touch below.